Contact us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. You can use the form on our website or email us directly. We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.


+(612) 219-4769


2574 7th Ave E, North Saint Paul,

Man 55109

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 18:00

Saturday: 8:00 - 16:00

Sunday: Appointment only

Need more info?

Don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have or to arrange professional cleaning services for your home or business.

Whether you're curious about our cleaning packages, want to discuss specific cleaning requirements, or are ready to schedule a session, we're here to assist you every step of the way.

Our friendly and knowledgeable team is just a phone call or email away, eager to ensure your space shines with cleanliness and freshness at your convenience.


+(612) 219-4769

Call or email us today for a FREE quotation!

2574 7th Ave E, North Saint Paul, Man 55109

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